During a chat about maintaining a pfSense box…
The big trick with effective backups is to know what’s truly important & make an offsite copy.
The autobackup is mostly for rolling back after you fuck up changing stuff.
do a manual backup of your pfSense box whenever it pops into your head that you haven’t done so recently.
Then copy that file to about 40 different places & removeable media…
Then forget where you put all 40 copies…
pfSense is pretty robust.
Just imagine if you used some proprietary “Awesome Modem, Router, WiFi, Firewall, World Hunger Solving Box” to manage your network….
Then the fucking thing overheats & dies…
& your ISP ships out a completely different & unrelated, yet “BETTER” box to replace it…
At which point you have a dilemma…
Which rifle to take up that tower…